Tag: google
How to name your company
Of all the decisions you have to make when you start a business, your company’s name is one of the most important ones. Your logo, the way you answer your phone calls, etc. your company name is key to starting with a big impact. So take your time to find the perfect name for your…
Cool tool from Google: Public Data Explorer
Google sure is making research and analysis easier and easier for Marketing Professionals. Less and less time spent on sifting through mountains of data and more time spent on analysis. Go Google Go! Here is a link to the cool tool: http://www.google.com/publicdata/home
Expensive Advertising is no Longer Necessary to Create a Successful Brand
Gone are the days when expensive advertising is necessary to build a strong successful brand. With the introduction of the Internet, firms now have less expensive and innovative means of pushing their content out to consumers. Read how Coca Cola and Google went about it differently. http://www.busmanagement.com/news/newsbuilding-a-successful-brand/