Tag: SFU

  • Consulting with the stars – Karen as guest speaker at SFU, March 28, 2012

    “Consulting with the stars” is the slogan of the upcoming event organized by the Simon Fraser Consulting Club and Golden Key International Honour Society, which takes place on Wednesday March 28, 2012 at Simon Fraser University. Karen is proud to act as guest speaker, to give her experience as marketing consultant to the students. As…

  • Ignite your Marketing Workshop, Huge Success!

    The Ignite Your Marketing Workshop presented by Karen and Abe for the SFU Student Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 event was a huge success. Tickets sold out quickly! Below are some photos from the event:

  • Sold Out! – Ignite Your Marketing Workshop

    We are pleased to announce that the Ignite Your Marketing Workshop is sold out! http://seymarketingworkshop.eventbrite.com/ Karen is looking forward to meeting everyone!

  • Judge and Guest Speaker at SFU Student Entrepreneur of the Year 2011

    Karen will be participating in the SFU Student Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 event as a guest speaker! Read more here: http://www.sfusey.com/event-program/interactive-workshops/ She will also be participating as a judge in the SEY semi-finals! http://www.sfusey.com/event-program/competition/2011-semi-final-judges/

  • Karen Presenting at SFU

    “It was my pleasure to share with a full-house set of budding young entrepreneurs my trials, tribulations, and experiences on becoming an entrepreneur. I was part of a panel that included 3 other business owners and one speaker from SFU SIFE. It was so much fun listening to other entrepreneurs share their stories and hearing…

  • SFU Event: Ever Thought of Starting Your Own Business?

    Karen Milde is very excited to be a presenter at the “ Starting Your Own Business” event at Simon Fraser University on April 7th! This event is hosted by Career Services at SFU to help eager and talented students to get a head start on starting their own business.  Karen Milde will discuss how she…