Tag: marketing plan

  • Why there is a need to shift business plans occasionally

    Flexibility is of pivotal importance to run a successful and competitive business. Although a thorough business plan is valuable, not everything can be planned. Changes in your business also changes your plans, whether financial or strategic. Competitors, target group, the market and the financial world are difficult to assess, so you will find that not…

  • Promoting Your Business

    One universal small business goal is to sell the business’s products and services. This is usually best accomplished by positioning the business in front of the target audience, and offering something they can’t refuse or find elsewhere. To this end, one of the smartest things a small business owner can do for their business is…

  • Planning Your Marketing: Why Plan?

    Get in the habit of creating a plan for every marketing activity you decide to implement even if you already have an overall marketing plan in place. Writing it down forces you to research and gather information, which helps you make better informed decisions as opposed to assumptions.  This plan helps you measure the success…