Tag: Karen
Common Startup Marketing Mistakes on foundersspace.com
A very common idea that founders generally have is that the more money you spend on marketing, the more customers you will have. However, the truth is that marketing is not just about burning through budgets to get customers. Read Karen’s article to avoid making the same mistakes in her experience working with startups: Common…
Advice on Goal Setting, Credential Building, and Business Planning posted on cybf blog
How do you guarantee that your business is a success? Karen gives some professional tips about how to make sure you are heading in the right direction. Read her article on Advice on goal setting, credential building and business planning.
Smart Startups Sell Benefits, Not Features posted at foundersspace.com
When selling your products or services, it is important to inform people about what benefits your business can bring to them. However, it does not mean giving an intimate description of features or a complicated technical readout all at once. Find out more today from Karen’s Smart Startups Sell Benefits, Not Features! posted at foundersspace.com
Writing for CDN Immigrant Magazine
Karen is honoured to start writing articles for Canadian Immigrant Magazine. (http://canadianimmigrant.ca/) Remember to grab an issue for Karen’s up-to-date business and immigrant related articles!
Know before starting a business
What is the most important thing you must know before starting a business in Canada as an immigrant? Find out in Karen’s column in the Chinese language newspaper West Canada Weekly, Issue 147, August 4. Here is a link to the online version if you missed picking it up: http://www.wcweekly.com/archives/3347
Maintaining Sales Momentum Year-Round
As a business owner, do you still re-invest your hard-earned money into boosting sales when your sales are on the increase? Or do you keep investing in your business when your sales are on a downward trend? Always having a plan or two in advance is the key to success. Read more on Karen’s Advice…
Building an existence
Starting a business is not easy; as an immigrant, there also must be some frustration and difficulties. As a result, immigrants starting businesses could face more challenges that we can not imagine. This time, Karen would like to share her thoughts which was published at Canadian Immigrant magazine, June issue. Read Building an existence below:…
Reframe Marketing is proud now to sponsor Gladstone Robotics!
What is Gladstone Robotics? Those are a bunch of very talented kids in a high school based robotic competition team. Amazed by the contest Karen and Abe visited two weeks ago, they decided to support the team to encourage the children’s technical ability and enthusiasm. We highly recommend: visit some of the upcoming competition and…
How connected should you be?
Good communication helps relationships. Staying connected with your employees or customers is essential to your business. It is also necessary to stay current with new technology. But how connected should you be? Read Karen’s article here: http://www.cybf.ca/2012/how-connected/
Why you have to fail in business in order to succeed
Failure and success. At first, these two words sound like opposites. In reality, however, they do not exclude each other, but belong together. People make mistakes in life and in business. However, people can learn from those mistakes in order to improve themselves. Read why Karen feels you have to fail in business in order…