Is your website ready for mobile?

This will affect your Google ranking very soon.
Have us optimize your website for mobile now.


You haven’t thought about a mobile friendly website yet? Well, now is the right time to consider it!


Google now has announced what marketers have already expected – after labels, which have marked mobile friendly websites in search results. Google is now taking the next step: The mobile friendliness of a website will become an additional ranking factor for mobile searches and hence will significantly influence search queries and their results. April 21st is set as the deadline for this major change! Considering the increasing usage of mobile devices and thus their influence in our online behaviour, it is time to react, in order to stay relevant in mobile searches!


As per experts like PracticeBloom, common things like small font, unsupported software (e.g. Flash), closely spaced links, or slow loading pages – these are just some of the points Google finds fault with. Avoid a possible loss of visitors and adjust your website with a responsive and properly configured website, adapted to every device.


Not sure if your website fulfills Google’s requirements? Reframe Marketing can help you get the most out of your mobile online presence and help build you a dynamic mobile website that will meet all criteria of mobile friendliness.


Improve your ranking, enhance your relevance and increase your website traffic!


Contact us today for a free consultation and find out if your website is mobile enough for Google’s ranking changes!

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Read more about the upcoming changes in Google’s Webmaster Central Blog