Karen Milde participates in SFU Alumni Service Day

Karen Milde, Founder of Reframe Marketing will be volunteering on June 6th, 2010 at a soup kitchen in the downtown Eastside Vancouver, BC Canada called ‘Drop In Living Room’. She (of course with the help of others) is tasked with preparing and serving a hot meal for over 120 homeless people with mental challenges or drug addictions.

Details on SFU Alumni Day of Service available here: http://www.sfu.ca/alumni/dayofservice/index.html


5 responses to “Karen Milde participates in SFU Alumni Service Day”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lien Yeung and SFU Alumni, Reframe Marketing. Reframe Marketing said: Karen Milde participates in SFU Alumni Service Day here: http://ping.fm/TetLp […]

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